Refund Policy

You are welcome to return most new, unopened items within 14 days of receiving the goods for a full refund. All items must be returned in unused, sealed, factory condition. Once we receive your order back with us, and we have ensured it is in the correct condition, we will issue your refund to the account you checked out with. If a product is part of a bundle or multi-buy offer, then all items need to be returned to us provided they are unopened. If a product to be returned was supplied with a free gift, the free gift will also need to be returned. 

If you wish to return your order due to no longer wanting the item, the customer is responsible for paying the return shipping costs. If the return is due to our own error (such as receiving the incorrect order, ect) we will provide the return shipping label for you. 

If you need to return an item, please contact us